Rifle Range Rules
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, downrange.
Always keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target.
Always keep the firearm unloaded until you are ready to shoot.
When loaded, never elevate your muzzle over the berm.
Eye and ear protection is mandatory.
Target placement:
Paper targets only up to 100 yards
Steel targets may be used no closer than 100 yards
No clay pigeons, bottles, or cans
Uncase firearms on the bench with muzzles pointed downrange and actions open.
Actions shall remain open at all times unless firing.
When going downrange, the following must occur:
Red warning lights must be on
Everyone must make firearms safe, which includes:
​Magazine out
Action open
Safety on
Set any firearms on benches
No one touches any firearms
Everyone must sign in and out.
All guests must sign in, sign a waiver, and pay a guest fee.
Range hours are 10 a.m. to sunset or 8 p.m. (whichever occurs earlier).
Remove old targets, pick up brass, keep the aisle clear, and leave the range cleaner than you found it.
You must adhere to all club range rules.
If you see anything unsafe, please contact a board member. Contact numbers and a complete copy of the club’s range rules are in the sign-in book.
For questions/concerns please email the Rifle Range department.